Oven Repair Pasadena

oven-repair-pasadenaCheck the Elements

The first thing that you should be aware of is that the igniter might not be heating appropriately even if you can see it glow. This is because there might be a weakness in the igniter causing the gas valve to have trouble opening. You should replace the igniter if you turn on the oven and the igniter turns on for minutes without turning on the flame. Another thing that you may want to look into if your oven isn’t heating up is the bake element. You will find this element at the lower most part of the oven and it looks like a tube. If it is working, it would glow a reddish color. If your bake element is out, then your oven won’t be able to heat up. You can usually tell by looking at the element if it’s no good. It may have holes or damage to it and you would be able to tell that it needs to be replaced. Alternately, you can use an Ohm meter to test the element. This will help you to determine whether you need to get a new bake element. If you need help replacing this element, consider getting professional oven repair Pasadena.

Another element to check is the broil element. This element will look similar to the bake element, but you will find it at the top of your oven, instead of the bottom. It will be glowing when it’s working. As with the bake element, you can tell if the broil element is burnt out by looking at it or by testing it with an Ohm meter.

Checking Voltage and Circuits

Some of these problems that are about to be discussed are less common problems, but nevertheless they do happen. It’s possible that an oven won’t be able to heat up if it’s not getting enough voltage. An oven needs to get two hundred and twenty volts to function. Something could be preventing the oven from getting the amount of voltage that it needs in order to function. You should check to make sure that your outlet that you plug the appliance into is supplying the right voltage. To test this, you would need to use a volt meter.

The next thing that can go wrong is the control board and circuits of the oven. When you push buttons on the oven, the oven gets signals from the control board. Individual elements can go bad that can cause the appliance from heating. Lack of heat can also be caused by a problem with the control board that controls the oven. Unfortunately, there is no easy way to test whether the control board is bad. You would need to get help from someone in professional oven repair Pasadena. The professional would be able to do his or her own tests in order to determine whether or not you would need to get a new control board for your oven appliance.

Checking on the Fuses and Wires

Now, you should also check to make sure that thermal fuse is still good. What a thermal fuse does is prevent the device from catching on fire when it gets hot. The fuse gets blown when the oven overheats. You would need to get a new fuse if this has happened. You could test the fuse using an Ohm meter. The next thing that you should do is check to make sure that the wire that powers the bake element isn’t burnt out. You can usually tell just by looking at the wire if it is burnt out and needs to be replaced. There are other things that can go wrong, of course, but the previous problems are the most common and most easily fixed. If you still need some help with your oven troubleshooting and repair, you should really consider the benefits of getting professional oven repair Pasadena.